Open |
Open Mascot
Select and start a mascot (File extension : mcpx).
This starts a file selection dialog.
Launcher Menu
| File Select
Select a menu file (File extension : menu).
And reconstruce the mascot launcher menu in the popup.
This starts a file selection dialog.
Open the launcher menu selection dialog which
automatically searches installed menus in your environment.
For Developper
| Convert from Nokkari-Chara
Import Nokkari-Chara data (an window sitter for MS
Windows) to MaCoPiX.
Please read this carefully when you
use this function (sorry, this is Japanese).
Save |
Save Mascot
Save the current status of the mascot into the current loaded
mascot file (overwritten).
Save Mascot AS...
Select a destination mascot file and save the current status
of the mascot.
This starts a file selection dialog.
Launcher Menu |
Select a destination menu file and save the current status
of the launcher menu.
This starts a file selection dialog.
Set as Default
Save the current menu file as default in the current loaded
resource file.
Remove from Default
Remove the setting of the default menu file from the current loaded
resource file.
Save Resource
Select a destination resourcde file (File extension : rc)
and save the current loaded resources in it.
This starts a file selection dialog.
For Developper |
Save for Release
Save the current loaded mascot as a version for release.
This starts a file selection dialog.
Image files for mascot will be automatically copied into
the same directry as the mascot's.
Convert to Nokkari-Chara
Convert current MaCoPiX data to Nokkari-Chara data
(an window sitter application for MS Windows) and save it.
Please read this carefully when you
use this function (sorry, this is Japanese).
Save All
Save the current status of mascot / resource / launcher menu /
default menu setting into the each files.
New |
Create New Mascot
Create a new mascot.
You should appoint a new mascot file to be saved and
a image file for the new mascot according to the guidance of dialogs.
Create New Launcher Menu
Create a new menu file.
A created menu file contains only one mascot, which are loaded
So, you should edit the menu setting in the configuration dialog
after created it.
Start the configuration dialog.
Biff Check
If you want to use the biff check function of
MaCoPiX, you should check here.
Time Signal
If you want to use the time signal function of
MaCoPiX, you should check here.
Mascot Launcher
The mascot launcher for the quick selection of mascots.
Exit from MaCoPiX.